Sunday, 23 November 2014

Chicken Chettinad Pizza

When I told my friend I have lot of chicken Chettinad for Sunday, she suggested some varieties using the curry like sandwich or a frankie.. and I thought thats a brilliant idea! why have it with rice alone, why not a pizza!! Turned out to be a huge hit in my family! My husband even went on to say that you can open a pizza delivery outlet with just this one flavour ;) Taste this once and I bet it will make it to your list of top 10 pizzas.

If you have already made chicken curry, you are just a few steps away.


Chicken chettinad curry (Please follow the link for recipe) 
Grated mozzarella cheese as much as you like
Onion julienne as much as you like ( I use a cup of onions for each pizza )
Other veggies like capsicum ( half of the amount of onions or as per your liking )

Pizza base (makes 4 pizzas)
315 gms sifted all purpose flour
2 tsp active dry yeast
1 tsp sea salt coarsely ground
1 tsp sugar
160 ml warm water
11/2 tbsp olive oil

Sauce for pizza base (makes 4 pizzas)
1/4 cup sundried tomatoes
3/4 cup tomato sauce
1 tsp chilli sauce
4 garlic cloves
1 tsp mixed herbs
Salt to taste

Making pizza base,

Add yeast to 4 tbsp water, gently stir and leave for 1 minute. Whisk once.
Add sugar, salt to flour. 
Add oil, yeast mixture, remaining water to the flour and knead until you get soft silky dough ball. Apply some oil on top.
Cover the vessel with a cling wrap and leave it to rise until it doubles in size (1-2 hours)
Now gently knock the air out of the dough.
Make 4 balls. Place a ball on flat oiled surface and roll out a 1/4 inch thick round or make it thinner if you like thin crust.
Preheat microwave at 230 degrees.

Making pizza sauce,

Grind together all the ingredients for sauce. I like my sauce less sweet and more tangy, so added some sundried tomatoes. If you are fine with tomato ketchup, use it directly. If you follow this recipe for pizza sauce, it will be less sweet, bit spicy and some garlic flavour, consistency would be thick.

Shred chicken curry pieces using knife and fork. 

Spread the sauce into a thin layer on the base, leaving 1/2 inch around the edges.

Arrange the veggies and chicken pieces on top and sprinkle cheese.

Bake for 10 minutes or until the edges turn brown and crispy.

One thing left to be done, EAT! The flavor of smokey grilled chicken chettinad pieces will make you go wow!!!

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