Saturday 1 November 2014

Scotch eggs with goodness of cheese and chicken

I learned about Scotch eggs from a guest chef who once visited Godrej Nature's basket located in Hill road, Bandra. This preparation of egg is undoubtedly the most beautiful one to look at too. 

So what are scotch eggs? Well, they are hard boiled eggs wrapped in spiced minced meat,coated with egg and bread crumbs and then fried. The outside is super crunchy and inside soft and juicy.

This is my first attempt at Scotch eggs with little imagination of my own, result was amazing.


4 hard boiled eggs peeled
2 eggs beaten
2 onions finely chopped
200 gms minced meat of your choice
1 cup of refined wheat flour
Lot of good quality white breadcrumbs (I used 6 slices of bread for this)
Dried herbs of your choice (I used oregano, thyme, sea salt)
1/2 tsp mustard sauce
1/4 tsp garlic powder or 1 tsp crushed garlic
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 tsp black pepper
Oil for deep frying
Salt to taste

To prepare the meat, 
add onions,herbs, cheese, pepper, mustard sauce, garlic powder and salt to it. Mix well.

Keep breadcrumbs, boiled eggs, beaten eggs and flour ready.

Cut each egg into half length wise.

Apply some oil on your hands and take some minced meat, the quantity should be just enough to cover the egg completely and the coating should not be thicker than 1 cm. Gently wrap half of an egg with the meat. Now roll it in the flour and then dip it in the beaten eggs and finally roll it in breadcrumbs. Again dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs. This will ensure a thick crispy layer on top.

Heat oil for deep frying and set the burner on medium heat when oil is hot.

Gently dip each coated egg in oil and fry till it turns golden brown. The heat should be low enough to be able to cook the egg inside out for about 4 mins each.

Beautiful looking scotch eggs are ready! Serve hot with a sauce of your choice.

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