Saturday, 26 January 2013

Eggless chocolate sponge cake using mawa

This sponge cake is in continuation to plain eggless sponge cake
This is chocolate eggless cake with chocolate icing on top. 
I have fond memories of this cake when I baked it first time for a friend's birthday. It was appreciated by one and all, moreover a pleasant surprise for my friend.

A very simple and easy recipe. Here it goes,


2 cups plain flour

1 cup mawa
[Don't use the stiff chunk of mawa that you bought from store directly. Use your fingers and make it a little powdery. Take 3/4th cup of this powdery mawa, do not over stuff the cup.]

2 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp Baking soda
1/2 cup vegetable oil
[Use fresh oil]
1 cup castor sugar/Regular powdered sugar
4 Tbsp curd
[Very important : should be homemade. Curd available outside contain excessive amounts of curdling ingredients(ex : yeast etc in large amounts) can spoil the texture of cake]
1/4th cup melted dark chocolate
[Should be just enough hot to keep it from solidifying]
1/2 cup orange juice (no water)
1 tsp vanilla extract or 5-6 drops of vanilla essence

1/4th cup melted dark chocolate
1/4th cup fresh cream(I used Amul fresh cream)
1/2 cup icing sugar

Take a clean dry bowl and sift maida,baking powder and baking soda. Mix thoroughly.
In a separate bowl, combine oil,sugar,orange juice, vanilla syrup (or essence), curd, mawa. Beat and mix well.

If using oven, preheat the oven at 150 degrees.
If using cooker, preheat the cooker on low flame for 5 minutes. Lid closed, without whistle.

Combine maida with liquid mixture. Use a wooden spatula and mix well. Beat well for 2 minutes, not more.

Transfer half of the content to a separate bowl, add 1/4th cup chocolate sauce and mix well. Transfer it back to rest of the content and stir just twice. The two mixtures need not be blend completely.

If using oven, grease baking tin with butter and dust with maida. Pour the mixture. Bake at 150 degrees for 45 minutes. Insert a toothpick and check if its ready(toothpick will come out clean if ready). If not, bake for another 10 minutes.

If using cooker, place an empty vessel and on top of it, place the baking tin. Make sure that baking tin is not  in direct contact with bottom of the cooker. Cover the lid and do not put the whistle. Leave it on low flame for 30 minutes. Afterwards, check if the cake has baked completely by inserting a toothpick(it should come out clean). If the cake is not done completely, allow it to bake for another 10 minutes and check again.

**Baking time in cooker varies based on size, thickness, make of the cooker.

After it is done, allow it to cool for 5 minutes. (Not under the fan, let it cool naturally.)
Invert it on to a wire rack as it provides free flow of air.

Cake is ready!! :-)

Icing should be done only after cake has cooled down to room temperature.
Mix ingredients of icing, pour it into an icing tube and apply it on the cake in a pattern of your liking :)
If you do not have icing tube, you may simply spread it on the cake just like butter on bread.
[Icing tube alternative, pour the cream into a small plastic bag, tie the open end tightly. Make a small cut on one corner using scissors. Use it like icing tube by pressing gently.]

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