Friday, 1 February 2013

Oats Vegetable Upma

Ingredients(Serves 2)

1/2 cup plain Oats
[I use Quaker oats]
1/2 cup green peas
1/2 cup sweet corn
2 green chillies finely chopped
1/2 tsp ginger paste
1 onion cut into long strips
2 tsp olive oil
1/2 tsp black mustard seeds
1 heaped tsp split black gram (udat dal)
1 heaped tsp split bengal gram (sabut chana dal)
Salt to taste
2 cups Water

Dry roast oats till it turns light brown.
In a hot pan, add oil, when its hot, add mustard seeds. When the seeds start to splutter, add black gram and bengal gram and fry for 1/2 minute.
Simmer the flame and add onion and green chillies and fry for 2 minutes. Onion should turn soft and milky white, need not be fried completely.
Add salt, mix well, pour water and bring to boil.
Simmer the flame, and gradually add oats by stirring continuosly to avoid lumps.
Cover the pan with lid and let it cook for 2 minutes.
After 2 minutes, stir the contents of the pan and cover with lid again. Leave it to cook for 4 minutes.
Yummy Oats upma or porridge is ready.

Recipe with Chicken in Oats Upma can be found here.

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